
No Guarantees. As stated in greater detail in the Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability sections of our Terms of Use available at www.theblissfullifecoaching.com/terms-and-conditions, Blissful Life, LLC (subsequently “We”, “Us”, or “Blissful Life”) does not warrant that the quality of the Website or any Products, Services and other Blissful Life Assets, as those terms are defined in the Terms of Use, including any content and information contained therein, which may be obtained or accessed by you, will meet your expectations, or that any errors in same will be corrected.

No Professional Advice. The content and/or functionality available through the Website, Products, Services, Blissful Life Communities and other Blissful Life Assets is not intended and should under no circumstances be used as legal, financial, accounting, medical or professional advice, or as a substitute for the services of a licensed professional such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, therapist or physician. 

Neither Blissful Life nor any of its members, owners, shareholders, agents or employees shall be liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in any of the information contained on the Website or any other Blissful Life Assets, and/or for any alleged damages, including but not limited to personal injury, financial loss or property damages that may result from the use of the information provided on the Website or in/on any Products, Services or other Blissful Life Assets.

Personal Responsibility. By using the Website, our Products, Services and any Blissful Life Assets, you accept full and complete responsibility for the results of your actions, including any injury, damage, harm, loss or liability you may suffer as a result of the use, non-use, misuse or abuse of the information, content, functionality, resources, products, services and digital downloads available on or through the Websites. 

You agree to use your best judgment, perform due diligence, and if appropriate, consult with a licensed professional prior to implementing any information, advice, plan, policy, strategy, or recommendation contained in or on the Website or any other Blissful Life Assets.

Reviews of Third-Party Products by Blissful Life. You understand and acknowledge that any reviews by Blissful Life of any third party products and services that may from time to time appear on the Website or other Blissful Life Assets are the views and opinions of the person writing the review, and should under no circumstance be considered a guarantee, recommendation or endorsement of said product or service by Blissful Life.

You recognize that it is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence with respect to any product, service, information or resource you may intend to use, rather than relying solely upon the reviews provided on the Website or in any Blissful Life Community, Product or Service.

If we receive any incentive, compensation or discount in exchange for reviewing a product or service, we will make the necessary disclosures as required by law. Should you have any questions about any such incentives, discounts or compensation, you can direct those questions to the following e-mail: customerservice@theblissfullifecoaching.com. In order for us to process your questions and disclose any and all incentives received in connection with our review, you must use the subject line “Review Incentive Inquiry.”

No Guarantee of Results. None of the information presented on the Website and/or any Blissful Life Community, Products or Services, is intended or should be construed as guarantees of taking any action. Blissful Life Assets are intended to provide only educational and informational resources, and Blissful Life does not promise, guarantee or warrant any results or outcome, including but not limited to your personal or spiritual development, personal or business success, revenues, or any other outcomes resulting from working with us.   

The foregoing applies to any and all testimonials reviewing Blissful Life and its Products and Services that may be posted on the Websites, in advertisements, or in Blissful Life Communities from time to time. Any such testimonials are the actual statements of our clients and customers regarding their own results and satisfaction with the Products and Services of Blissful Life. By using the Website and/or purchasing any Products or Services, you acknowledge your understanding that such testimonials are not to be taken as guarantees of the results that you or anyone else may experience by using the Products, Services or information available on or through the Website or other Blissful Life Assets.

By using any Blissful Life Assets, you acknowledge your understanding that any results, success or failure on your part is dependent upon your own efforts, your particular circumstances, and countless variables outside of Blissful Life’s control. Depending on your own circumstances, background, dedication and skill, you may surpass the results referenced in any testimonials, or you may not obtain any results at all. You understand and acknowledge that prior success of others is in no way a guarantee of your success in the future.

Historical Information. The Website and Blissful Life Assets may contain certain historical information. Historical information, by its nature, is not current and is provided for your reference only. We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but have no obligation to update any information on the Website. 

Coaching is Not Substitute for Therapy. By using this Website or any Blissful Life Assets that include a coaching component, You certify Your understanding that, though coaching may address mindset issues, coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and that coaching does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. It is Your exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed.

You acknowledge that coaching, particularly life and mindset coaching, is a comprehensive process that may involve examination and work on different areas of Your life and business, including but not limited to Your finances; relationships; physical, mental and emotional state; health and wellness; education; family and family history; recreation; and more. You agree that the ultimate decision as to the areas being discussed with any coach or member in a coaching program or call, as well as the decision on how You will handle any issues discussed during the coaching relationship and/or incorporate the principles learned during the coaching is exclusively Your responsibility. 

You represent and warrant that to the best of Your knowledge, You are in good mental, physical, emotional, and psychological health so that engaging in coaching poses no risk of harm to You. If You are currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that You promptly confer with the mental health care provider prior to receiving coaching. If any issues arise during the term of this Agreement that should be addressed by a licensed therapist or physician, You agree to immediately attend to his/her health by contacting the appropriate professional. 

You further represent and warrant that You can financially afford the fees stated in any Client Agreement signed by You.