Let's Get to know each other

Drew here!

Wife, working mom, & dreamer

I’ve been through the ups and downs of life and know that from time to time, you need a little extra help; a little extra push to get you through whatever phase you are stuck in.

My Story

I’m just a gal from Kansas City (I’ll always be a die-hard Chiefs fan) who loves Southern manners. I moved to Chicago to attend Loyola University and junior year I met my husband - who I married after 3 weeks. Yep, not 3 months, 3 weeks. But, hey! Here we are 12+ years later, happy with 2 beautiful children. I love music, traveling, and living in the moment. My goal is to bring out a sense of fulfillment, peace, and happiness to each one of my clients.

A few fun facts...


Enneagram 2


Creative, Compassionate, Intuitive, Adventurous, Romantic

The Helper:
Caring, Generous, Demonstrative, People-pleasing

Natural-born Leader, Full of passion and charisma, Reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world

Throughout my career in higher education, I’ve advised college students on making decisions on their next degree, created training programs to help prepare employees for success, and throughout my years in leadership I've coached my direct reports to be the best. As you can see, the key element here is a desire to help people be the best they can be and help them to reach their full potential. That’s what my heart wants more than anything.

Specifically, my desire is to see women like you overcome those doubts and limiting beliefs that keep you stagnant.

I know how much you need it because… 

I was you

I went through a lot to get to

wherE i am today

before coaching

I was independent & egotistical. I listened to my inner hater. I felt overwhelmed, lost and stuck at a fork in the road.


I became self-aware & my confidence began to grow. I could acknowledge the lies my inner hater was telling me. I began to trust & took the leap of investing in a Life Coach.

before coaching

I was independent & egotistical. I listened to my inner hater. I felt lost, broken & unqualified for my inner dreams.


I became self-aware & my confidence began to grow. I could acknowledge the lies my inner hater was telling me. I began to trust & took the leap of investing in a Life Coach.

before coaching

I was independent & egotistical. I listened to my inner hater. I felt lost, broken & unqualified for my inner dreams.


I am more fulfilled & at peace. I found my voice & argue with my inner hater. I love my imperfections. I trust my intuition to guide me.

I went through a lot to get to

wherE i am today

before coaching

I was independent & egotistical. I listened to my inner hater. I felt lost, broken & unqualified for my inner dreams.

I became self-aware & my confidence began to grow. I could acknowledge the lies my inner hater was telling me. I began to trust & took the leap of investing in a Life Coach.


I am more fulfilled & at peace. I found my voice & argue with my inner hater. I love my imperfections. I trust my intuition to guide me.


I was skeptIcal of Life cOaching...

...But I was going through a rough patch. I was a working mom of two babies under 2, had post-partum depression, was watching my dad's health quickly decline, trying to juggle all the things. was overwhelmed and couldn’t self-heal anymore. I needed a non-judgemental ear to listen to me, to help me find my voice again, and to lift me up like I’ve been doing for others for so many years. Surprisingly, my life coach helped me through the loss of my daddio and lead me to find my legacy and my purpose, talk back to my inner hater and find confidence and courage in my pursuit of bliss, peace, and fulfillment. I learned that I don’t have to be perfect or have all the answers - that being myself is enough. And once you find that power inside yourself, you truly want it for every woman out there.

Not to mention, if I’m going to talk the talk, I need to walk the walk. Life coaching is a giant step into my own dreams and I want my children to see me make those big moves so that they will have the courage to pursue their passions as well. 

Because, girl, you are made for more and I can’t wait to see it! 

If I had to sum it up:
I’m your new best friend! 

Ok, maybe that’s a little presumptuous of me, but it's kind of my goal: to make you feel like I’ve got your back, to make you feel like you can accomplish those big dreams, and to make you feel seen and heard; to help you learn a little self-care and self-love.

“Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”

Brad Paisley

ArE You...

Juggling too many balls with work and family? 

Someone with no time to take care of yourself?

Someone who wants to be a calmer, less reactive parent? 

A mom trying to find your identity and who you want to be?

Feeling like you are meant for more but have no direction?

DidI    just read your mind? 

If your answer is “Yes”, that’s a good thing! It means you’re not alone. It means I get you. It means I can help. Just because you’re a perfectionist doesn’t mean you can’t reach your full potential, I’m living proof. It just means you need to learn how to stop holding yourself back and I can teach you how!

after cOaching, you wilL...

Feel peaceful and balanced, despite what is going on in your life

Feel joy in parenting again

Reconnect with your partner

Discover confidence in your worth, clarity in your purpose, and courage to be the person you always dreamed of being

I embody the person I’ve always wanted to be. I am enough. I am a good mother and a good wife. And now I'm living out my purpose!

If this sounds like you and you need someone that's been there, reach out! I'm here to listen and guide you to a Blissful Life.

Life coaching ignited my flame again.

Book a free discovery Call

what our clients are saying...

"Drew is amazing to work with. I didn't realize how much I could gain from a life coach until I started working with Drew. I'm good at coming up with an idea, but in the end I'm not good at following through. Drew really guided me. She never told me directly what to do, but she coached me and provided tools so I could come to my own answers and understand how my actions would affect me and my family in the future. I felt so comfortable talking with Drew and discovering things about myself each week was fantastic."

Colleen McGuane

"My biggest WIN overall, was gaining empowerment, courage, and clarity of what I want my future to look like and what I need to do to achieve those goals. I gained the courage to ask for help and to put myself out there even if it meant to be vulnerable because it means I care enough to make a change. The clarity over all I gained. Drew gave me the emotional and mental support I needed when I wanted to regain confidence and assurance going back to school, with a new career, and being a first-time mom. It was like having a personal cheerleader and confidant to lean on."

Mariel Portillo

"I’m so grateful for my time I had with Drew as my coach! She made me feel heard and seen at a time when I needed it the most. She’s thoughtful, authentic, dynamic, and helped me work toward reaching the new balance I had been seeking since having my first child. I could feel her dedication to me and her ability to connect with me and the journey!"

Amy CurtIss

"Drew is a phenomenal coach who sees the potential in everyone. Her warm and calming demeanor makes her easy to talk to, and you can feel how much she cares about her clients’ wellbeing. She has a wonderful way of gently challenging and encouraging you to work through your self-doubt so you feel fully equipped to take on your most ambitious goals."

KatIe Koerner

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